How can shopping malls grasp the opportunity of “Revenge Consumption” by leveraging big data analytics?

In September, social distancing laws in Hong Kong were loosened and the trend of “Revenge Consumption” emerged. The trend sparked a shopping spree in the city as malls rebounded by 35% in the second quarter, showing a remarkable recovery. Here are a few more of our observations regarding post-social-distancing shopping sprees. Challenges for marketing and…

Wisers & Microsoft Jointly Explore New Territory in Big Data

Wisers & Microsoft Jointly Explore New Territory in Big Data

Microsoft China Partner Conference 2020 was held in Beijing on October 28. Themed on “Empowering Industries for a Connected Future”, the conference focused on hot topics – teleworking, low-code development, business globalization, big data and intelligent transformation – to comprehend the current trends of industry transformation and explore better collaboration models for win-win situation. As…