Best Coverage 
in Market

of social media interaction and content

2X Speed

Faster data processing, quicker insights, and more timely decisions

3000+ Clients

Partnered with leading brand for rich, collaborative growth.

What Are the Key Insights on Boosting Mall Engagement?

Top 6 Benefits You Can Achieve In Your Mall

Discover how easy enhancing your mall's performance can be...

Strategic Decisions

Make informed choices with deep market and consumer behavior insights.

Engagement Boost

Increase social interactions using targeted content and influencer strategies.

Trend Awareness

Stay ahead by identifying and acting on emerging market trends.

Revenue Growth

Drive sales through precisely targeted marketing and promotional activities.

Visibility Enhancement

Expand your brand's reach across multiple digital platforms effectively.

Loyalty Building

Enhance customer retention with personalized services and communications.

How WiseAnalytics Helps You Improve Every Aspect? You can...

Maximize Impact with Targeted Overall Media Index

Utilize our detailed OMI data to fine-tune your marketing and operational strategies:

  • Benchmark Against Competitors: Compare your property’s media presence with competitors to identify both strengths and areas for enhancement.
  • Optimize Marketing Efforts: Adjust your marketing strategies based on OMI insights, targeting the right audience effectively.
  • Drive Engagement and Foot Traffic: Leverage OMI trends to increase engagement, enhancing both foot traffic and tenant satisfaction.

Optimize Your Campaigns with Precise Analytics

Streamline Your Marketing Efforts for Maximum Impact:


  • Campaign Performance Insights: Gain a snapshot of your campaign’s success and identify key improvement areas to enhance your marketing strategy.
  • Platform-Specific Engagement: Understand which media platforms are yielding the highest engagement and PR value, tailoring your efforts to where they count most.
  • Highlight Successful Content: Discover the characteristics of your most effective posts and replicate these strategies to consistently engage your audience.
  • Refine Your Marketing Tactics: Leverage our analytics to fine-tune your approaches, ensuring every campaign directly contributes to increased foot traffic and tenant satisfaction.

Amplify Your Mall's Success with Strategic Influencer Insights

Leverage Essential Social Media Insights to Enhance Your Marketing Strategies:


  • Influencer Engagement Analysis: Understand which influencers have the highest engagement rates and how they can elevate your marketing campaigns.
  • Publisher Effectiveness: Discover which content publishers are resonating with your audience, ensuring your advertising spend is as effective as possible.
  • Tailored Campaign Strategies: Learn how to match the right influencers with the right campaigns to maximise impact.

Explore More Comprehensive Metrics Provided in Our Report !

Empower your decision-making with our expert data analytics consulting. We provide tailored insights that help you optimize mall experience and improve customer experiences.

Brand Visibility and Reach

  • Share of Voice (SOV)
  • Overall Media Index (OMI)
  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Brand Mention Volume
  • Geographic Distribution of Engagement

Engagement Metrics

  • Engagement Rate
  • Social Media Shares
  • Content Engagement
  • Customer Interaction Rate
  • Influencer Impact Score

Campaign Performance

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Buzz Trend
  • Trending Topics
  • Audience Growth Rate